My name is Jorik Mol and I am autistic.
This aspect of my identity has shaped who I am, for better and for worse. Growing up, I had a lot of struggles, due to the lack of wider understanding of autistic people’s minds. Now, I am committed to changing autistic people’s life chances and society as a whole.
Communication is one of my special interests. I facilitate and perform conflict resolution between autistic and neurotypical employees. I do speaking engagements, I write, I educate and train organisations, businesses and individuals. In 2025, I will be publishing two books; one Feeling Fast and Slow, with Jessica Kingsley Publishers, the other a textbook on mentoring from Lived Places Publishing.
I can help you to achieve your goals, integrating your interests and talents to the benefit of you, your organisation and society at large.
Find my details in the CCF/NHS Autism training provider repository: https://idhekss.files.wordpress.com/2021/07/3.-directory-of-training-initiatives-2nd2.pdf
Find me in the National Autistic Society’s Autism Service Directory: https://www.autism.org.uk/autism-services-directory/j/jorik-mol
Contact me via email, since the form I used to have below ended up being assaulted by spam bots. I’m at jorik.mol@gmail.com