“Jorik Mol is a brilliant writer, speaker, and interrogator of the unquestioned assumptions that limit our recognition of one another as full human beings, worthy of respect and compassion.”
Steve Silberman, author of NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity, 2020.
“Jorik Mol has delivered a series of workshops for us on Being a Neurodivergent Researcher. His sessions were well-received with participant feedback being that they felt supported and heard. Jorik enabled discussions where common themes were acknowledged including the challenges of interviews, receiving contradictory feedback and the importance of wellbeing and self-compassion with one participant describing it as ‘liberating, refreshing, and a bit fabulous’.“
Kathryn Coombes and Dr Gabby Davies, Researcher Development Manager (PGRs), University of Exeter, summer 2024.
“Jorik is an enthusiastic and knowledgeable autism professional and advocate. He both works in the field of autism and is autistic – bringing together all essential knowledge and experience of autism. He is a good communicator and can help anyone understand autism.”
Richard Maguire, autistic trainer and educator, formerly of Autism Oxford, now at Autism Live. Find his work at: https://www.autismlivetraining.com/, 2020.
“During our Taking Up Space speaker series, Jorik was able to share personal anecdotes about his journey with Autism, and offered lessons and advice for people that might lead or be led by those on the spectrum. Feedback for the event was consistently positive and all agreed that we need more voices like Jorik’s in all spheres of society to share and to educate about the importance of diversity and inclusion.”
Khayalethu Makhubu, Said Business School, Oxford University, 2020.
Saïd Business School’s Employee Resource Group for people with disabilities, Saïd Enabled, invited Jorik along to talk to us about his experiences in the workplace. We opened it up to the whole University and had a fantastic response with roughly 200 people attending. Jorik spoke openly and clearly about neurodiversity, giving clear descriptions, personal accounts and advice on how to support neurodivergent colleagues and team members. His fantastic way of communicating meant that people felt able to open up on the public forum and ask questions about their own situations or to ask advice with specific work problems.
The feedback I received during and after the talk was moving and entirely positive. Jorik is a brilliant trainer and communicator and his enthusiasm captures the audience from the moment he starts to speak. Thank you Jorik!
Natasha Heaton, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. 2021.
Jorik Mol spoke at the AUPresses 2021 Annual Meeting. His talk, “A Neurodivergent World – An Introduction to Neurodiversity in University Publishing,” was a highlight of the meeting for me and many others. He put tremendous work and care into making the content clear, accessible, informative, and impactful. He is a powerful advocate for the neurodivergent community and I highly recommend him as a speaker for any organization or association event.
Jocelyn Dawson, AUPresses 2021 Annual Meeting Chair, Journals and Collections Marketing Manager, Duke University Press
During our Global Inclusion week, Jorik spoke with great candor and clarity about being neurodivergent in a world that’s largely designed for neurotypical folks. He shared from his personal experiences as an autistic person and also imparted knowledge from his professional perspective working in the field of disability. Jorik is an engaging speaker and conversationalist. He broke down accessibility and allyship issues with both gravitas and humor. The audience feedback was unanimous in being overwhelmingly positive and appreciative of how educational and meaningful the discussion was.
Mimi Chiahemen, Euromoney, 2021
We received introductory training on Autism and Neurodiversity from Jorik, as part of our wider school INSET day training programme this year.
Lucy Allen, Occupational Therapist. Kestrel House School, Crouch End, London. 4th January 2022
Many staff reported that it had been some of the best training they had ever received relating to Autism. Jorik’s explanation of the neurodiversity paradigm, personal accounts, humorous approach and passion inspired staff to ask brave and important questions, and encouraged them to reflect on their own values and working in a curious and open way. This was due to the highly supportive and accepting environment Jorik cultivated throughout the training.
I believe that the training Jorik provided will hugely impact the way we move forward as a school in ensuring we are celebrating neurodivergence rather than attempting to curb it into fitting neurotypical ideas and norms. We are incredibly grateful for his contributions and very much hope to work with him again in the near future!